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Infertility Treatment
Known Egg Donor Program


Our Known Egg-donor program allows patients who cannot conceive using their own eggs, to use eggs from another woman who is known to the recipient personally. The egg donor will have to undergo screening before proceeding with the egg donation.

A staff member will contact the egg donor candidate to obtain medical and social history. At this time, lifestyle patterns and risk factors will be reviewed along with any questions and concerns about becoming an egg donor. If it is mutually decided by the recipient and the donor that they wish to proceed, the donor will fill out medical and risk factor questionnaires. An appointment will be scheduled with one of our physicians to discuss the procedure and sign the consent form. If the donor is accepted, she will be contacted by our IVF nurses.


The recipient in our known egg-donor program will need to undergo certain tests and meet criteria of our program. The tests include evaluation for the IVF procedure including normal laboratory results. Recipients must be between ages of 21 and 45 with BMIs in the normal range and also be a non-smoker. The IVF nurses will schedule the patient for a detailed instruction class (a teach) regarding all medications you will need and address any questions you may have. The IVF nurses will also go over the embryo transfer procedure. A mock transfer will be scheduled at this time along with a sonohysterogram. This will allow the physicians to measure the depth at which the embryos will be replaced at the time of embryo transfer. It also allows our physicians to address any other issues that may interfere with embryo transfer.

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